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The Projectionist for June 17, 2011 June 17, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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June 15, 2011

Hello there Mead-Berry,

Pam and I went to see X-Men: First Class last week and LOVED it. We had seen the movie X-Men a long time ago and then we really did not see the other films except Origins: Wolverine. We saw the early movie and then had dinner at the Chophouse. The next night we popped in the original movie again on the DVD player.  We hadn’t realized that the opening scenes of both movies were exactly the same. I don’t think I have ever seen that done before, but it was very cool.

The Little Projectionist will not kiss me unless I shave. He doesn’t like the beard. His sister couldn’t care less, but he has a real problem with it. I tried to look up on the Internet if this was a common issue, but couldn’t find anything. I think I may truly have a unique child.

This week, the cavalcade of super hero films continues with Green Lantern.  They are really starting to dig deep in the Marvel catalogue for these characters. I personally was a huge Captain America fan so I am saving my fan boy love for July 22nd. Also opening this weekend is Jim Carrey in Mr. Popper’s Penguins. Real actors playing opposite animals seems to be a big draw for the under 10 crowd. My guess is that this film will do quite well. We still have Midnight in Paris so don’t forget to come see a real adult film before we get taken over again by Cars, Robots, and more talking animals.

Now your moment of zen:

The Projectionist for June 3, 2011 June 13, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I saw 3 movies last week. First I saw Bridesmaids with Pam, then The Hangover II with the fellas, and lastly Kung Fu Panda II with the kids. I covered all the bases and the winner is…Bridesmaids. It must have been the company.

The little projectionist is becoming a super-hero junkie. He has now taken to running as fast as he can through the house pretending to be Superman. When he sees me he does not slow down. He actually picks up the pace and runs right into me driving his clenched fists into my abdomen. As I fall down in pain, he stands over me in victory. When did I become the “bad guy” that needs to be conquered?

Speaking of super heroes the only movie opening this week is X Men: First Class.  Can you guess what me and little projectionist will be doing if it rains?

The Chophouse is running a June special: The best food in Meadville on a porch with a fire pit. I have not eaten fried green tomatoes since March, so it is my time.

Now your moment of zen:

“You know anyone who wants to marry my brother is a profound idiot”
Megan in Bridesmaids

The Projectionist

The Projectionist for June 10, 2011 June 13, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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June 6, 2011

Hello there Mead-Berry,

I’m going to skip the first little part of my letter where I tell you some mundane thing in my life. You must be way bored of me. In fact, I know that many of you skip all the words and go to right to the movie clip. If you are reading this, you must not be one of these people. You are one of the demented people that actually “get it”. I don’t have a clue what “it” may be, but I keep searching.

That brings me to the Little Projectionist’s bed wetting issue. Notice I did not say problem. That’s because it would not be a problem if he just wore a Pull-Up at night. He is of an age where I suppose it would still be fine for him to wear one. The kid just wants to grow up quickly and doesn’t accept that he dreams of waterfalls and raindrops. I try to remember what it felt like to just “pee your pants”? Last time I did it was during the opening scene of Austin Powers. That’s right, I said it.

This weekend brings two special movies to town. If you long for the Spielberg blockbusters of the 1980’s, you will love Super 8. This or Cowboys vs. Aliens will be the biggest blockbuster of the summer that is not a sequel, prequel, or superhero movie. If that wasn’t good enough, we also secured Midnight in Paris. We don’t get these films very often so please drop by to experience something different. Lastly, Judy Moody hits the theater just as your children are finishing school. Those Hollywood people are so tricky.

Now your moment of zen:

The Projectionist for May 23, 2011 May 24, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I had some time the other night so I went down in the basement and dug out my CD collection. Pam is a bit of an organizer. About 10 years ago she decided that she did not like my CD collection out where it could be seen. So out of love, she decided to put all the CD’s in three large books and catalog all the titles and artists in an excel file. The file includes the book and page number for the corresponding CD. It was such a sweet thing except that I have looked at my collection twice in 10 years. Out of sight out of mind. I am slowly working on ripping all the music into my computer. Can’t wait to do this with my 300 DVD’s.

The Little Projectionist and I watched Toy Story 3 the other day. Is it strange that we both have the same taste in Pixar films? We both love Toy Story and Wall-E, but hate Cars. When we were talking about it, I thought we were Will Farrell and John Reilly in Step Brothers.

Hangover II starts tonight at midnight. I have watched “Stu’s Song” from last weeks clip about a hundred times in the past few days. Maybe not a hundred times, but I at least ten. Kung-Fu Panda 2 also opens for the kids. We have it in 2D and 3D in Meadville, but mean Jeffrey Katzenberg is forcing us to play it only in 3D in Cranberry.  I think it is wrong to charge little kids $2 for 3D when they can’t keep the glasses on their face. So we are lowering our kids 3D “upcharge” to $1.25. This means we will not profit one bit from a kids’ 3D ticket. I feel so good about it that I called my mother to see if she would be proud of me.

Now your moment of zen:


The Projectionist for May 16, 2011 May 20, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

Oh where oh where did the spring go? It was 50 today and rainy. Memo to Planet Earth: Memorial Day Weekend is in two weeks. Then it is summer. Don’t miss your opportunity to tease us with spring. It’s ok, it won’t be wasted on us!

Watched The Hangover this weekend on Blu-Ray. I am a bit nervous about Hangover II as I can’t name one other comedy that has had a good sequel. I can’t even think of something that has come close! I heard today that the guy who did Mike Tyson’s face tattoo is suing the movie. That is some good publicity. If I knew how to use Twitter I would see if someone is tweeting about it. I think I am going to survive.

I have found the Little Projectionist’s kryptonite. No spanking needed when you can impose an electronics ban in units of days. You take Nick Jr. away from a kid for more than 2 days and you see complete suffering. The best part is just the threat of this punishment gets the kid in line. I hope this is an accepted and normal parenting practice.

If I have not yet told you, I love Jack Sparrow. I really liked the first Pirates movie and was utterly confused by Pirates 2 and 3. Just goes to show how sometimes people can be fooled into drinking the Kool Aid. I do have high hopes on this week’s release of On Stranger Tides. Penelope Cruz is what we like to call a “babe”. I wish Johnny Depp and Penelope were dating in real life. Don’t they know what that would do for the movie? Where are Brad and Angelina when you need them?

If it warms up, I promised Pam I would try salmon this weekend at the Chophouse. They bring it on a flaming piece of wood, which Pam says masks the “fishy” smell. I really want to like salmon, but it is just like the Barenaked Ladies “I Don’t Like” Song. Google it.

Now your moment of zen:


The Projectionist for May 9, 2011 May 15, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I was watching Hook tonight with the Little Projectionist. Picked it up from the $5 movie bin at Wal-Mart. He will watch it at least 20 times over the next month. I calculate this to be roughly $.25 per viewing. Directed by Spielberg, I was not sure what I was watching. You would think Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman would be a fine duo. I even caught an early role for Gwyneth Paltrow as well as great cameos from George Lucas, Carrie Fischer, and Jimmy Buffett. Think about that list for 8 seconds.

Speaking of the Little Projectionist, I played a Jedi mind trick on him tonight. I actually convinced him to make a very bad trade with his older sister. He deserved it, but I wonder how long he will be fooled. I fully expect a full retraction from our “trade negotiations” tomorrow. Would it be wrong to call him an “Indian Giver”? That term is definitely not politically appropriate anymore. I can’t imagine “Native American Giver” is any better. I’d just better say nothing, it’s always better that way.

This week we get the female Hangover with Bridesmaids. Did they have to release this two weeks before the Hangover II? This is another brilliant distribution move from Hollywood. They couldn’t have released this two months ago when we knee deep in cartoons and thrillers? We also are getting a very strange looking movie called Priest. This is NOT a “faith-based” film, so don’t come expecting The Passion. For all of you people who have been asking for some of the independent films, we secured Win Win with Paul Giamatti.  We beg for these titles, and finally were given some love. So if you want to see more of these movies get to Meadville this weekend and buy a ticket.

The porch is all business at the Chophouse. Sat outside for lunch the other day and was very happy.

Now your moment of zen:

The Projectionist for May 2, 2011 May 4, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Uncategorized.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I didn’t see Fast Five last weekend. Funny thing is I used to love action movies as a kid. I think I watched First Blood over 100 times. After Rocky, I think the Rambo series was Stallone’s finest work. I guess Vin Diesel is the new Stallone. I think I actually “get” that. If it wasn’t for Thor this weekend I would probably see Fast Five. Oh well, I am sure after the $86M opening there will be another one.

The Little Projectionist is having a rough week. I guess this is what is known as a “phase”. The little guy just wants to cause trouble which is annoying but fine. I told Pam that when it happens, actually two good things happen as we banish him to his room. He gets a punishment and maybe will actually learn something. The second thing is we don’t have to listen to him for at least a few minutes. I never knew a mouth could work like that with such a limited vocabulary.

To be candid, I was not that excited about Thor until this week. I have a comic book collection of over 500 comics. You know how many of them are Thor? One. However, the reviews and preview have been terrific. Looks like we may have a good old fashioned summer popcorn movie on our hands. Natalie Portman is in it as well which suits me just fine. There is another Kate Hudson movie out called Something Borrowed. Maybe it is good? There has not been a good romcom in a while. Sooner or later something will have to be good. Just the law of averages.

The Chophouse is rocking. I think what people enjoy the most is that someone in the kitchen actually is trying very hard to make you good food. In our world of chain restaurants it is nice to have some “food” in the food.

Now your moment of zen:

The Projectionist for April 27, 2011 May 2, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I had a birthday this week. It was the first year that all the right people remembered. It was 100% “no forgetting”. People must think I’m at the age where they better start remembering. I dislike birthdays so much that I can find something wrong with something as nice as everyone remembering my birthday. I am turning into Billy Chrystal at the beginning of City Slickers. Next thing you know I’m going to be herding cattle.

The Little Projectionist tried to play baseball tonight. I don’t know why, but little kids have a hard time understanding the whole concept of home plate. He wants to stand on it and face me. I am trying to teach him how to stand at his side NEXT to the plate, but the message just isn’t getting through. I could just brush him back with a pitch, but Pam would not approve.

This weekend is a big weekend if you like cars, Vin Diesel, or both. Fast Five may record the largest movie opening of 2011 to date. This record will not last long as the summer movie season is upon us. I will actually probably be seeing Prom this weekend. Everybody has a secret movie fetish. My parents loved Steven Segal movies and my wife enjoys movies about high school. Remember my glowing reports on Easy A? Emma Stone is in three movies this summer. Couldn’t be happier about it.

Have you been to the Chophouse lately? People are driving long distances because the food and service are great. Gas prices may be ridiculous, but people will do anything for a great meal.

Now your moment of zen:


The Projectionist for April 21, 2011 May 2, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

I have a feeling tonight’s newsletter will be fantastic. Really good. The kind of quality that may get you to tell your friends about me on Facebook. I went to the movies last night to see Limitless. There was one thing in the movie that I could not get over. In one scene Bradley Cooper calls Robert DeNiro the “B” word. We are not talking about the female dog definition. You don’t call Bobby that word. Have you ever seen Raging Bull? The Hangover II better be very good because I am gunning for you Mr. Cooper.

I am very sorry that I talked about Facebook again. It will be the last time, I promise.

The Little Projectionist and I have embarked on a new mission. The goal is to make his room cooler.  So far we are getting a movie poster of Star Wars for the back of his door. I explained how the back of the door is the most special place in the room for your coolest thing. Later in life he will realize it is because it is the one spot that Mommy doesn’t have to look at it.

For the first time in 5 years, Disney studio has blessed us with their Earth Day movie. This year it is called African Cats. Do me a giant favor. Come see it. I have no idea what it is about, but I bet it is wonderful. You get to see a part of the world that may not exist for much longer. I can’t imagine elephants roaming wild in 100 years. Speaking of elephants, they need water. Water For Elephants stars the recently wed Reese Witherspoon. I know that from Us magazine. Just think – if I were not married, I would never have known that.

Oh, my brother-in-law beat me in a best of 13 series of Scrabble. He won fair and square, but I really never got any letters. Nothing I could do. He wanted me to mention it even though I told him nobody would care.

Now Your Moment of Zen:

The Projectionist for April 10, 2011 May 2, 2011

Posted by themoviesat in Weekly Emails.
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Hello there Mead-Berry,

It was 74 degrees today and I wore shorts. I fired up the grill and got it clean and ready for the summer. Also, it’s time for the porch to open at the Chophouse. Good times await! It has been a tough winter and I am ready to put away the gloves and hats for awhile. Pam and I rented The Social Network last night. I enjoyed it more the second time around.  I am not a big fan of Facebook, but the dialogue in this movie is so incredible that I kept rewinding to listen again.

The Little Projectionist did nothing crazy this weekend. I think he’s realizing that summer is coming and he wanted to give me a weekend off. It was as if he sensed the middle age oozing from my pores and just wanted to give me some time to heal.

Well, the kids’ movie hit parade continues this weekend with Rio in both 3D and 2D. I watched the preview and this one may be worth the extra $2. Scream 4 also opens for you horror comedy fans. I love comedy and hate horror movies. I am very conflicted as I did see the first Scream and liked it. The summer movie season is only 3 weeks away. I am most excited for Super 8 and Crazy, Stupid, Love.  Watch the previews at www.themovies.com.

Now your moment of zen:

“I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try – but there’s no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention – you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing. “

Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network